SQLite Join Tables

SQLite Join Tables

This tutorial shows how to create tables in SQLite, and then how to extract data from them using the SQL joins and filters. For more information check out www.squidoo.com This is part of my Squidoo Lens at www.squidoo.com For more information on SQLite, see www.squidoo.com www.squidoo.com www.squidoo.com www.squidoo.com
ok on Win8 now; got everything I need in Dropbox; git, python, ant, pgsql, railo, ruby, groovy, sbt, sqlite, npm, mingw, svn, mongod, mingw

@DRMacIver @growstufforg ... and SQLite was one of the things she had to build. So actually, we've gained nothing by not using Postgres.

@kinaj Yep, it's Base, a SQLite viewer ;)

@jongold SQLite API directly.

SQLITE pragma foreign_keys=on…really? How is it I never ran across this before?

RT @randyfay: Installed #drupal on my @Raspberry_Pi last night. Went down in flames with sqlite but worked fine with mysql.

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