iTwin Telelombardia Netc@fe

iTwin Telelombardia Netc@fe

Presentazione di iTwin presso Telelombardia trasmissione Netc@fe del 22 Maggio 2011 ad opera del nostro Enrico Pappolla.
RT @joaquintorres95: For a guy , waking up is only the second hardest thing in the morning

#howtoreplytoiloveyou thanks.

RT @InfoSystems: Here's a nifty little file-sharing tool that can serve as an alternative to Google Drive, Dropbox, Skydrive, etc. - htt ...

RT @shelbyrayee: of course i speak spanish! uno dos tres salsa guacamole puta

I've learned to just not argue.

RT @VittoriaStoffie: Lezione e poi seminario per aiutarci ad analizzare il mercato russo! Go #iTwin, #tsmmc @Ilaria_Pi @FilippoPianegon ...

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