200 Japanese lived on SENKAKU- Photos . Tokyo slams Beijing "Stop lying" 谷山雄二朗

200 Japanese lived on SENKAKU- Photos . Tokyo slams Beijing "Stop lying" 谷山雄二朗

谷山雄二朗の新刊 「無名の革命」 NOW ON SALE. www.amazon.co.jp 自主外交・安全保障・原発・社会保障This film provides 3 solid evidences that proves China's fabrication over the Senkaku. Japan's sovereignty is indisputable. 尖閣の真実を、世界共通ツールの英語で伝える。国際世論に訴えていかねば意味がない。 On 20th July 2012, Ai Weiwei, a prominent Chinese artist who designed the Beijing's "Bird's Nest" Olympic Stadum Tweeted "This country has once again proved to the world that law and justice don't exist here" www.bbc.co.uk This [WASHINGTON TIMES] article mentions that China recognized the Senkaku islands as a Japanse territory 40 years ago. That "Beijing clearly states the islands as "SENKAKU", a Japanse name on their Chinese map created in 1969". www.washingtontimes.com ワシントンタイムズ紙も、「中国政府は1969年に作成した自国の地図に、尖閣を"尖閣諸島"と日本語で明記しているではないか」、と中国の態度に疑問符を投げかけている。 And you can see this "confidential" MAP is in the film. Furthermore, A world atlas published in November 1958, by the Map Publishing Company of Beijing, treats the Senkaku Islands as a Japanese territory.[Wikipedia 45] Also, a state-prescribed textbook published in 1970 in Taiwan treated the islands as Japanese territories.[46][47 Wikipedia] books.google.co.jp 昭和33年に中国で出版された「世界地図」、さらには昭和四十五年に台湾で製作された地図においても尖閣諸島は、日本領土として明記されている。 It was not until 1971 that Beijing authorities suddenly started ...
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