F-Zero GX - Standard Diamond Cup - Part 1

F-Zero GX - Standard Diamond Cup - Part 1

Oh, right, updates! Sorry about the delay on this one... Well, I was kind of expecting another Grand Prix after Emerald Cup since 15 tracks didn't seem like very many, and sure enough, Diamond Cup was unlocked after being Emerald, so here's part one of this grand prix! Cosmo Terminal - Trident: Oh crud... No rails, except for a very small stretch near the end of the track. Be extremely careful when driving on this track as the course is fairly thin too so it's really easy to go off course if you do something reckless. I may of tried to take out a racer at the very beginning of the race, but I made sure not to try anything like that again for the rest of it. Just keep your cool and focus on staying on the track, and getting first shouldn't be too hard on this race since you can spam boost pretty safely for the last two laps. Lots and lots of heal strips to keep you happy. Sand Ocean - Lateral Shift: Oh god, how did I not die here? This track's special trait is that in many sections of the track you must quickly shift to the left or right to avoid driving off into the abyss. There's even a slightly evil spot where the track becomes very thin quite suddenly, just remember to stay in the middle of the track when coming up to that part. If one is a good driver, they'll probably be able to KO a LOT of racers on this track since it's actually a pretty calm track compared to others. Dangerous, but there's less quick movements and tight corners and a lot more straight-aways to ...
En una misión del modo historia de F-Zero GX te piden que revientes 29 naves. En la escena siguiente están todas intactas. #Fucklogic

Oh. I just thought of something that could make me want a Wii U. HD version of F-Zero GX *drooooool*

@TheSteveBurnio F-Zero GX, Wind Waker and Twin Snakes scale beautifully. Recommended.

スピード感ヘァンパナイゲームがやりたい・・・ソニワドやソニジェネとかF-ZERO GXとかNFS:MWとか・・・

F-ZERO GXが無性にやりたい。Xの方が好きだけどたまにやりたくなるんだよなー

@newdarkcloud Ever read the legendary rant an SA user posted about F-Zero GX?

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