WEEK 4 (Day 24, late) -- 28 DAY CHALLENGE!!

WEEK 4 (Day 24, late) -- 28 DAY CHALLENGE!!

This week is simply about recognizing your habit as being HABITUAL - as part of your life now :) 1. Does your goal feel like a habit? (What can you do to make it more habitual?) 2. Examine the WHY behind your goal. (If you're still struggling, you need to determine why: - is your goal REALLY a baby step? - if it IS, then why is your motivation lacking? GOOD LUCK IN THE FINAL STRETCH!!! :D **REMEMBER** "A goal without a plan is just a wish." (and) "If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking." :) **ME ELSEWHERE** Twitter: www.twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Personal Blog: blog.shantimarshalla.com Weight-Loss FAQ's www.antishayweightloss.com Weight-Loss How To: www.antishayweightloss.com
@Yummy__Yami my first 28day and I carried that 50cal! Making you proud sis lol

@yuli_borreg @irmaaa148 28day before ethnic runaway

CORRECTION DSC2008 AREAR: 5DAY-1560 15DAY-5538 19DAY-7168 2ODAY-8751 21DAY-7985 22DAY-8342 23DAY-8751 25DAY-9566 28DAY-10788

CORRECTION DSC2008 AREAR: 5DAY-1560 15DAY-5538 19DAY-7168 2ODAY-8751 21DAY-7985 22DAY-8342 23DAY-8751 25DAY-9566 28DAY-10788

RT @EWCOfficial: Blocked and banished from the university library for having a 20p fine for returning a book late an not paying within 2 ...

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