What is ADHD? (www.explania.com)

What is ADHD? (www.explania.com)

Embed the original video on your website or blog via www.explania.com or watch even more animations on www.explania.com This short film explains what ADHD is and how to treat it. The movie also discusses the sub-types of ADHD and the difficulties children with ADHD or ADD often deal with.
Trying to learn to deal with my dd diagnosis of ADHD, OCD, and anxiety. Hoping to find other twitter moms that understand.

RT @sbs3927: 돈이 남아돌아서도 아니고 누가 후원해주는것도 아니지만 ADHD학생이 변화되는모습과 자폐증, 우울증, 소심한학생들이 변화되고 꿈이 없는 학생들이 꿈을 가지고 자신감을 가지고 인생의 특별한 경험을 통해 변화되는 모습에 희열 ...

people really think igot ADHD! smh.

RT @sbs3927: 돈이 남아돌아서도 아니고 누가 후원해주는것도 아니지만 ADHD학생이 변화되는모습과 자폐증, 우울증, 소심한학생들이 변화되고 꿈이 없는 학생들이 꿈을 가지고 자신감을 가지고 인생의 특별한 경험을 통해 변화되는 모습에 희열 ...

currently writing piece for Irish Mail on Sunday about NFL including, Viagra, guns, ADHD and murder-suicide, not exactly the beautiful game

Someone tried to tell us ADHD is made up and started as a joke to a student so he had an excuse to be the way he was. Bullshit.

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