Edison Chen & Bertha Pan Interview: Almost Perfect

Edison Chen & Bertha Pan Interview: Almost Perfect

We were thrilled to have Actor Edison Chen and Writer/Director Bertha Pan back in LA to do a followup on our interviews last year regarding the wonderful comedy/drama "Almost Perfect." After a successful run at film festivals, "Almost Perfect" is having its theatrical release September 21, 2012. We talked to Edison and Bertha about the development of the film and Edison's role (which was originally to be Ivan Shaw's role as Kelly Hu's love interested) into the perfectly fitting part of Kelly Hu's younger brother. See our previous interviews with them for more details about Edison's character and Bertha's writing and directing of the film and interviews with other cast members Kelly Hu, Ivan Shaw, Christina Chang, Tina Chen and Kristy Wu.
Edison Chen, Jackie Chan, HotDog Mc, and Shawn Carter is his idol.

@pillarsofsalt why all females D: can't help u bro. if u say edison chen and such maybe i can help

ya aku tdak tau tnyakan saja pada tao yang real nya "@uzzang_seulmi: @__93DJTao tau sih klo dia suka sama edison chen tapi segitu nya..

@danialfarhan pakai red baru la hongky style ! dengan seluar senteng chinos , and footscape , mak aiihh , macam edison chen dah ! ;p

English name for Tao is Edison Huang. Perhaps he chose the ‘Edison’ because his idol is Edison Chen.

Just had the longest dream about Edison Chen trying to pursuit me #LOL what a joke! #wth #random bahaha

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