Les Voix Humaines
皆さんの中には、スピーカーから流れ出る音を聞いた途端にザワッと鳥肌がたつという経験をしたことがある方がいらっしゃると思います。しかし、その時の感覚をまた味わいたいと再び聞いてみると大した感動もないという体験をしたことがありませんか?その一方で、最初はそんなに思わなかったけど、二度三度と聴いてゆくうちにだんだん心惹かれて、そののちは聴くたびに新たな発見をするという作品もありませんか?私は、MARAISもHILLE PERL知らずにCDショップで何んとなくこれを手に取り購入しました(これがCDショップの良い所です)がこの作品は私にとって後者でした。何度聴いても飽きない、聴くたびに「あ、こんな音もあったんだ」と感心しています。昔の音楽が好きな人、空気感を感じるような音が好きな人は、ぜひ、聴いてみてください。
Programming Perl: Unmatched power for text processing and scripting
print "Howdy, world!\n";
$answer = <STDIN>;
print hex($answer), "\n";
open (FIZZLE,">myfilename");
$answer = <STDIN>;
print hex($answer), "\n";
open (FIZZLE,">myfilename");
Learning Perl
I have to admit that before using this book I used "Learning Perl." However, everything that I learned in the first book was in the first chapter of this book. I am very impressed with the layout of this book. Every time I turned a new page I found something else, I had to try. One paragraph in chapter six prime outlines the whole reason for really wanting to use pearl.
"Perl doesn't just glue together other computer languages. It also glues together command line interpreters, operating systems, processes, machines, devices, networks, databases, institutions, cultures, web pages, GUIs, peers, servers, and clients, not to mention people like system administrators, users, and of course,.hackers, both not be in nice. In fact pearl is rather competitive about cooperative."
This book is well designed to get you off the Ground and hit the deck running. You will not be left standing there like a sitting duck. I doubt that I can give it enough stars.
"Perl doesn't just glue together other computer languages. It also glues together command line interpreters, operating systems, processes, machines, devices, networks, databases, institutions, cultures, web pages, GUIs, peers, servers, and clients, not to mention people like system administrators, users, and of course,.hackers, both not be in nice. In fact pearl is rather competitive about cooperative."
This book is well designed to get you off the Ground and hit the deck running. You will not be left standing there like a sitting duck. I doubt that I can give it enough stars.