Anorexia's Childhood Roots (CBS News)

Anorexia's Childhood Roots (CBS News)

Thrust into the public eye by a provocative ad campaign, Isabelle Caro has become the living face of anorexia, who says her disease stems from a childhood spent in isolation. Sheila MacVicar reports. (CBS News)
@BandB_CBS Please, please, please do not start the triangle from hell all over again!!!!!!!

@Danni3Dph3nom Yeah on CBS. I think it's live so I dunno if they're showing it now or at 10 on PST

@CrimMinds_CBS You win in terms of creepiness and pain felt by viewer with The Lesson. Unsure if I should congratulate you or go throw up.

RT @taylorswift13: I'll be co-hosting the Grammy Nominations Concert live from Nashville tonight! 10/9c on CBS. Headed to rehearsals now ...

RT @taylorswift13: I'll be co-hosting the Grammy Nominations Concert live from Nashville tonight! 10/9c on CBS. Headed to rehearsals now ...

Wooohooo! FUN. is performing on CBS!!!

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