John Gorka "I'm From New Jersey"

John Gorka "I'm From New Jersey"

John singing about his home state at Crossroads Coffeehouse in Winnsboro Texas on May 16, 2009. See for CD info and tour schedule. Recorded by Conrad Wolfman.
RT @UPyDEuskadi: “Batasuna/ETA intenta cambiar la historia y la realidad para esconderse detrás y no reconocer l daño causado” Pagazaurtundua @Gorka_Maneiro

@Michelle_Gorka @youlookgreat finally someone gets it :)

Hooray, fake @Rick__Gorka

depues de la reku unas palas en amaña con @gorka_3_ @MiguelEgido10 k buenaaa :) y a la tarde a la playa con ellos #MUYLOKOS jajajaja

Miguel se tira pedos mientras Gorka come para echarlo del salón.

Governor Romney has said time and again that he supports the goals of this proposal. We've covered this before in detail.

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