Lucinda Williams - Overtime (live).

Lucinda Williams - Overtime (live).

the great song of Lucinda Williams.
Been sat talking to someone for over two hours.... Didn't even realise the time!

RT @barcastuff: Messi starts on the bench for the first time in the CL since 7 December 2010 #fcblive 2-0 home win over Rubin Kazan [via ...

thank goodness that's over! now time to catch up on sleep!

Sitting by a fire on a lonely night, Hanging over from another good time.With another girl little dirty girl

@skankbray Faberry fans have for over a month now trended something (or tried to) at roughly this time of day. Only recently did Finchel...

Starting new job tomo,. First time I will have worked 9-5 in about 8 years!! Thank god for #costacoffee just over the road from the office!!

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