Accept-Best of Medley live at wacken 2005 HQ

Accept-Best of Medley live at wacken 2005 HQ

Yes :P RT @Tirchi_Nazar Are u too egoistic to accept that u r fond of someone ..

Pin:21633121 british add faaaast @BBpinShare. #bbm I accept all

RT @GodPosts: What you PUT UP WITH you END UP WITH- Remember: You can only EXPECT what you ACCEPT from people.

I accept me for who I am, not who you think I can be

RT @Hamza_6969: says remember Christmas is a time for giving, so give generously, I accept credit cards, cheques and cash

I'm not going to be someone you want me to be. I am who I am and you'll have to just accept the fact that I like being myself.

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