09. Swan Dive - (həd) pe

09. Swan Dive - (həd) pe

Track 9 of 13; Broke - (həd) pe (2000)
RT @casey_trim: #TweetLikeYourCoach "we need the catch of the day guys" *does swan dive & catch* "thats not good enough keep going ...

RT @Jess_eibeck: @quay_meade it was a damn swan dive through 10 people to my face

RT @amandadonato3: ball change leg turn swan dive needle fouetté layback round off back handspring into my bed

@quay_meade it was a damn swan dive through 10 people to my face

ball change leg turn swan dive needle fouetté layback round off back handspring into my bed

The fam's office is finally closed, I'm finally off work and about to swan dive into my bed like never before!

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.hack 黄昏の腕輪伝説
