Robot Anime Ed Collection(1970)3
1976 ゴワッパー5ゴータム Gowappar Five Godam 1976 UFO戦士ダイアポロン UFOsenshi Daiaporon 1976 超電磁ロボ コンバトラーV TyoudenjiRobo combatorar V 1976 空爆ロボ グロイザーX KuubakuRobo Groizar X 1976 ブロッカー軍団Ⅳマシーンブラスター Blockergundan IV Machineblaster
Do you say LGBT or GLBT or queer or something different? Visit my personal blog: Visit my fitness blog Like me on facebook Follow me on twitter: Second channel: Here's the thing: In my blogs and videos, I almost always say LGBT, standing for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. But pretty much everytime I say it, i get emails from people that are so upset that as a gay man, I didn't put the "G" first. To be honest, the reason I do it is because lesbians really face a double whammy of discrimination - first for being a woman, and secondly for being gay. So I put the "L" first in the acronym to recognize that. But really, if you think about it - transgender individuals probably face the most discrimination - and then most people don't even think bisexuality even exists. So maybe it should be TBLG? And then there's queer, but a whole bunch of people really don't like that. And maybe you're thinking, "What the big deal?" And sure there are plenty of other issues that deserve our time and attention, but it is something that matters to a lot of people and is certainly worthy of discussion. So - what do you say? GLBT? LBGT? LGBTUVWXYZ? And why do you say it?
国道2号 上り その12 岡山県倉敷市→岡山市 岡山バイパス
倉敷バイパス、岡山バイパスの続く区間です。 まるで岡山都市高速道路と呼べるような高規格ですが、早島町付近ではまだ平面交差がいくらかあります。 高梁川手前では渋滞が発生します。また早島の平面交差が続く区間もそこまで流れが良いわけではありません。 国道180号岡山西バイパスとの交差点からはほぼ全線立体交差です。一般道では珍しい70制限の道路でもあります。
絵夢(E Mu): Shakuhachi and Koto Duet 尺八と琴デュエット
I performed E mu (絵夢) in Sapporo on October 31, 2009. The koto player is Mio-chan. 札幌で絵夢という新曲を演奏しました。