瓶裝水的故事Story of Bottled Water 中文字幕
「東西的故事」系列第三集主講人:安妮‧雷納德字幕翻譯:看守台灣協會(www.taiwanwatch.org.tw 瓶裝水的故事網頁www.taiwanwatch.org.tw 《東西的故事》系列其他影片: 1. 東西的故事www.taiwanwatch.org.tw 2. 碳交易的故事www.taiwanwatch.org.tw 3. 化妝品的故事www.taiwanwatch.org.tw 4. 電子產品的故事www.taiwanwatch.org.tw 5. 民主失竊的故事www.taiwanwatch.org.tw 6. 國家破產的故事www.youtube.com

NASA | Dynamic Earth
Watch as this NASA animation shows the sun blasting out a giant explosion of magnetic energy called a coronal mass ejection and the Earth being shielded from this by its powerful magnetic field. The sun also continuously showers the Earth with light and radiation energy. Much of this solar energy is deflected by the Earth's atmosphere or reflected back into space by clouds, ice and snow. What gets through becomes the energy that drives the Earth system, powering a remarkable planetary engine -- the climate. The unevenness of this solar heating, the cycles of day and night, and our seasons are part of what cause wind currents to circulate around the word. These winds drive surface ocean currents and in this animation you can view these currents flowing off the coast of Florida. This animation connects for the first time a series of computer models. The view of the sun and the Earth's magnetic field comes from the Luhmann-Friesen magnetic field model and two models that incorporated data from a real coronal mass ejection from the sun on December 2006. NASA's Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) at Goddard Space Flight Center, a multi-agency partnership that provides information on space weather to the international research community, generated these two models. The ENLIL model is a time-dependent 3-D magnetohydrodynamic model of the heliosphere and shows changes in the particles flows and magnetic fields. The BATS-R-US model is also a magnetohydrodynamic model of ...

「禁触a Boy loves a Woman」(桜井亜美著幻冬舎文庫) CM
桜井亜美の新作「禁触 a Boy loves a Woman」(幻冬舎文庫)のCMです(HD)。出演 山崎大輝、西野まり。佐賀県で実際に起こった女性中学教師と生徒の逃避行に着想を得た、禁断の純愛小説。なぜ2人はこんなにも激しく求め合ったのか? 高評価 0 人、低評価 0 人