DOOM was a milestone in the first-person shooter genre and it has been released by id Software in 1993. It was available for many platforms. I know that I missed a lot of secrets and so on, but it was several years ago I played it the last time, and I just wanted to show the basic gameplay. So, I hope you like this video anyway :D As I noticed in some comments, the music may sound different from what you used to hear. Well, in this video, it is the original Adlib/SoundBlaster music using YM3812/YMF262 chip instructions (also known as OPL2). Later, after Windows 95 came out, most sound cards used wavetable synthesizers instead, so the music may vary vastly among each other. I guess, people who played this in the early years can confirm this :) This is an old video. If you're 18 or older, watch the new one there: John Romero demonstrated a development version of it in "A Visit to id Software":
保志総一朗-ONE SONGS 01. One~overture~
Like me on Facebook: Request any music through any of my page! I do not own any audio content. This is only for audio sample. All copyrights reserved by キングレコード. 大人気聲優・保志総一朗の、自身名義では初となるオリジナルアルバムが満を持して登場!! 大ヒット曲「Shining tears」を含む過去の名曲に加え、完全新曲を10曲収録!!新曲では、自身初となる作詞楽曲「綺羅星」をはじめ、『新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラSAGA』オープニング「Identity Crisis」カヴァー曲、『コードギアス反逆のルルーシュR2』キャラクターソング「Reason」セルフカヴァー曲といったファン垂涎の楽曲が揃っています! 自身が參加するラジオ番組の共演者でもあり、公私共に交流の深い林原めぐみが、MEGUMI名義にて作詞參加!
Sarasate Zigeunerweisen, Op. 20 Ruggiero Ricci
Zigeunerweisen, Op. 20 Pablo de Sarasate (1844-1908) Ruggiero Ricci Piero Gamba London Symphony Orchestra Rec.1959 パブロ・デ・サラサーテツィゴイネルワイゼン Op. 20 ルッジェーロ・リッチ(ヴァイオリン) ピエロ・ガンバ(指揮) ロンドン交響楽団