UFOs Over London Friday 2011

UFOs Over London Friday 2011

UFOs Over London BBC Radio 1 Building Right - took over a week to get it....but finally managed to get these critters on camera on a clear day, and even get a close-up. It seems to be attracting quite a crowd now when they appear. Can anyone explain what on earth these lights are please?
Omg we just saw a UFO @Kris_teeen

@ufo_ninja9 well since we in college and shit

@kissyblk23 Yes it would be gr8 if u followed me back our will hav to unfollow u tht's my twitter rules only follow Pple tht follow back UFO

@RomanHisyou いいなー(´・ω・`)そいえば朝からUFOに向かうYさん見かけた(ヽ´ω`)

I'm so happy [4/8/10] [어려움] (Ryu걲) (knit 곡) 주의 : 동시치기, 트릴, 폭타


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