Basketball Post Play the reverse pivot 1
video.kudda.com contains over 4000 FREE instructional videos for coaches of all sports. To see more basketball drills and fundamentals go to http

UFOs Over London Friday 2011
UFOs Over London BBC Radio 1 Building Right - took over a week to get it....but finally managed to get these critters on camera on a clear day, and even get a close-up. It seems to be attracting quite a crowd now when they appear. Can anyone explain what on earth these lights are please?

JR東日本 新幹線YEAR2012キャンペーンCM
「ただの乗り物なのに、いつもちょっとワクワクする なんでだろう」 JR東日本 新幹線YEAR2012のCMですJR東日本の新幹線にとって素晴らしい年ですね!2012年は! 正直みてて涙が出てきそうになりました今までこの東日本を支えてきてくれてありがとうそしてこれからもよろしく曲は空飛ぶ電車です