Nikon D3200 Unboxing and Sniff Test
froknowsphoto.com Click Here to see un-edited sample images from the Nikon D3200. Today I got my hands on the Nikon D3200 to give it a little sniff test and unboxing. First things first this is not a full on review just yet, its just first observations based of the few sample images and videos I took today at Allen's Camera. This is a small light, very plastic feeling camera with a 24pm sensor and pretty fantastic specs. But we all know that specs are just that specs and real world shooting will be the true determining factor. One thing not to forget that this is the very very very basic starter camera from nikon that sells for $699.99. This is not a camera that you compare to a D4 and say that the files are not even close. They are not supposed to be close, one is $600 the other is $6000. So far the sample images out of the camera are only jpeg as lightroom 4 does not accept the new D3200 RAW files. The sample images that I took were all at 6400 ISO so a true representation of what this camera can do can not be made until I fully get to play with one. The camera seems to handle very well in my brief hands on. The menues all act the same as all other Nikon basic bodies and the buttons seem to all make sens. I was very happy with the video out of the camera. It looks clean and smooth and with the ability to set manual controls for video you now have better control of your shooting. The added microphone input really allows you to take your video to the next level. The full ...

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Genny Light | Chad'z Beer Reviews #361
Season 11, Episode 31. Originally aired 3 November 2010 BREWERY'S DESCRIPTION & INFORMATION: Genny Light is a true light beer. And with fewer than 100 calories per can, each one is as refreshing as the next. If you're looking for a smooth-drinking, light-bodied beer that goes down easy during any occasion, then Genny Light is for you. 3.6% ABV HOW THIS BEER RATES: Rate Beer: 1 (overall) 6 (style) www.ratebeer.com Beer Advocate: C- (users) B- (bros) beeradvocate.com My rating: watch the review and see! CHAD'Z BEER REVIEWS.COM www.chadzbeerreviews.com FACEBOOK http TWITTER www.twitter.com FOR DONATIONS OR TRADES PLEASE CONTACT ME AT chad9976@yahoo.com CHECK OUT CHAD'Z CHANNEL OF FUN!! youtube.com