『世界の測量 ガウスとフンボルトの物語』三修社
ドイツで2005年秋に発売された、ダニエル・ケールマン著「Die Vermessung der Welt」の全訳。 頭脳派ガウスと行動派フンボルト、二人の天才の「世界を測ろう」という挑戦を、軽妙かつ緻密な筆致で描いた哲学的冒険小説。 ドイツで2005年秋に発売されて以来、100週間以上に亘ってベストセラー・リストに名を連ね、そのうち35週で1位の座を占め、120万部という大ベストセラー。ドイツ語圏外でも43か国で出版される予定。 『ハリー・ポッター』『ダ・ヴィンチ・コード』を抑え「世界のベストセラー」第2位(2006年・米Publishing Trends調べ) 「無類に面白い小説を読んだ」(日本経済新聞6月15日 書評欄・佐藤亜紀氏) www.sanshusha.co.jp
絶対彼氏Absolute Boyfriend: Okaeri (instrumental)
絶対彼氏Absolute Boyfriend: Okaeri Please Cmmt/Rate: Thank You Hayami Mokomichi as Tenjo Night Mizushima Hiro as Asamoto Soshi Aibu Saki as Izawa Riiko Sasai Eisuke as Shirasagi Yuki Ueno Natsuhi as Ito Mika Satoi Kenta as Hirata Hajime Nekoze Tsubaki as Adachi Kyoko Komoto Maki as Sato Nozomi Kaji Masaki as Tanaka Yoichiro
DJ MAX Technika Vita Teaser
I am a huge fan of the DJMAX games for the PSP. Maybe it's because I immensely enjoyed Beatmania games, and because I had a music game with incredibly catchy tunes on the go. It wasn't until last year during PAX where I was first exposed to DJMAX Technika at an arcade in Seattle, and my mind was blown. After wishing and hoping, unsuccessfuly I might add, for the game to make the jump to iPad, it looks like the portable iteration will be coming to the PS Vita. And why not? Thanks to the Vita's giant screen, and extremely responsive touch controls, it seems like a perfect platform for Technika. It looks like the same visuals the DJMAX series is known for will continue here, as well as the catchy tunes. Make sure to check out the trailer above for your first look at this PS Vita exclusive. While there hasn't been an official release date set for the US, it will be released in Korea this June.