After the Assassination - Julius Caesar - BBC Four

After the Assassination - Julius Caesar - BBC Four

More about this programme: In this extract from the film of the Royal Shakespeare Company's production of Julius Caesar, Brutus (Paterson Joseph) and Cassius (Cyril Nri) are triumphant after the assassination of Caesar. With their fellow conspirators they must now face the consequences of their political violence. The production is set in a modern African state and Caesar has been murdered on an escalator in the Senate House. In prophetic words, Cassius reflects, "How many ages hence Shall this our lofty scene be acted over In states unborn and accents yet unknown!" Shot on location and in the theatre at Stratford-upon-Avon, the film complements the RSC's new stage production, with Gregory Doran directing the same cast. But the film is also a distinct creative production that uses the full dramatic potential of contemporary television drama.
@hikoushin それならよろすい〜〜ok〜╭(˚ϖ˚)╯

RT @NowOnRadio1: ♫ Seven Hills - by While She Sleeps #bbc #radio1

@1222Cb おータメ!よろしくー(゚ω゚)♡♡

RT @iibieberstyles: "justin has confirmed on BBC radio that he will do a song featuring one direction & it will be on their album" OMFG. THIS WILL BE PERFECT.

@martin_compston alright mate! saw your advert on tv yesterday, BBC ehh? lovely !, how you liking the new place any bbq's yet ? x

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