Leah LaBelle - Sexify

Leah LaBelle - Sexify

Music video by Leah LaBelle performing Sexify. (C) 2012 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
************** RT @LaBelle_Tiara: Can't trust an ugly bish with an invisible part... EVER

@Dessi_Labelle on friday? or saturday?

@Shiki_LaBelle yea that's pretty darn gay of him...

@WhatI_Stand4 lol love you too !

“@LaBelle_Nicolle: So freaked out. I see the same guy at the bar every week never talked to him and he added me on fb... Wtf” stalker status

RT @AntiJokeTyrone: Is this the Krusty Krab? No, this is Patrick.

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