セクハラ名場面 さまぁ~ずVS大江麻理子①
恒例の?セクハラシーンの総集編その1 ゴールデンに進出してからは只の旅番組に成り下がってしまったのが残念でならない。 特に今年に入ってからは酷すぎる。 まだゴールデン進出したてのころは深夜のテイストはあったのに! もう有名観光地での豪華料理や温泉なんか要らない。ガチャガチャや千円自販機が有れば良い。 番組タイトル通りの原点に戻った内容を望む深夜番組ファンより!
Creedence Clearwater Revival- Lookin' Out My Back Door 1970
Creedence Clearwater Revival (often abbreviated CCR) was an American rock band that gained popularity in the late 1960s and early 1970s with a number of successful singles drawn from various albums. The group consisted of lWhile undertaking a steady string of live dates around the country to capitalize on their breakthrough, CCR also was hard at work on their second album Bayou Country at RCA Studios in Los Angeles. Released in January 1969 and becoming a #7 platinum hit, the record was the first in a string of hit albums and singles which continued uninterrupted for the next three years. Bayou Country's seven songs were well-honed from Creedence's constant live playing. The album showed a distinct evolution in approach, much more simple and direct than the band's first release. The single "Proud Mary", backed with "Born On the Bayou", went to Number 2 on the national Billboard chart. It would eventually become the group's most-covered song, with some 100 cover versions by other artists to date, including a hit version in 1971 by Ike and Tina Turner. Bob Dylan named it his favorite single of 1969. The album also featured a blistering remake of the rock & roll classic "Good Golly Miss Molly" and the band's nine-minute live-show closer, "Keep On Chooglin' ". Only weeks later, in March 1969, "Bad Moon Rising" backed with "Lodi" was released and peaked at #2 on the charts. The band's third album, Green River, followed in August and quickly went gold along with the single ...
笑顔がとても素敵なママ鉄アイドル 豊岡真澄さんの記念撮影会が飯塚駅のホームで行われていました。 国鉄急行型キハ66・67に取り付けられた「雲仙」のヘッドマークの横に立つ豊岡真澄さんのJR九州の制服姿がとても可愛く、飯塚から先の列車撮影を忘れそうになりました。