Nokia C7 ♥ Screen Repair / Replace / Change a Broken LCD (AMOLED) or Touch Screen (Digitizer)
Skip Intro 0:35 LCD/AMOLED Removal 2:58* (fishing line & heat can help, see note below) Digitizer Replacement 5:27 Reassembly 7:28 To replace a broken LCD or Digitizer you'll need: T5 & T6 star type screwdriver. (search for torx on Google Shopping) Small bladed screwdriver Plastic knife (or guitar pick) and some tweezers to grab the screws. Parts are very easy to find online. Doing this will void any warranty. Please rate/sub and I'll do my best to put some more on here... Filmed in one continuous shot (no edits) with a Panasonic HDC-SD700 *NOTE: A few people have cracked their LCD screen while trying to remove it from the double sided sticky tape. YouTuber JayNTube101 left a comment saying ' you could use some fine fishing line to "saw" through the sticky tape under the LCD' YouTuber MASTAHSVEN said 'use a hairdryer to make the sticky tape soft...keep it about 20centimeters from the device and the lcd comes off more easy! Do it side for side and not for too long on 1 side.
女だらけのカラオケ大会 里田まい 柳原可奈子
曲:タッチ/岩崎良美 恋愛レボリューション21/モーニング娘。 司会: さまぁ~ず出演: 相澤仁美あびる優磯山さやか杏さゆり大沢あかね大島麻衣(AKB48) 小倉優子尾崎ななみ川村エミコくまきりあさ美クワバタオハラ小林恵美坂下千里子さとう珠緒里田まい白石みきスザンヌ田代さやかチェリーパイにしおかすみこ西川史子西川祥林弓束原幹恵森崎まみ森田泉美もりちえみ保田圭安めぐみ柳原可奈子山本梓優木まおみユリサ(50音順)
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