Tango with Lions ~ In a Bar
'' Tango with Lions are the project of singer/song-writer Kat, and were originally conceived in 2006 after the musical dressing of diaries, photos and book-reading influences. A band was officially formed during a summer-time jam in 2007, in a beach house with former members Johniethin and Dana. Johnniethin's blues-folk guitar playing and harmonica style, met cellist Stavros' confident melodies and Dana's delicate clarinet sound to complete what the debut album "Verba Time" represents. Since the recording sessions during 2009-2010 with producer Ottomo at Fab Liquid Studios, the line up has changed, with Yannos now playing guitars and the appearance of drums. Tango with Lions is seen as a collective of day-dreamers, hard-workers and music-lovers. The album "Verba Time" got released by InnerEar Records on June 21st, 2010 and was warmly welcomed by critics and audience. Tango with Lions are currently giving concerts along with preparing new songs.'' Members: Kat- voice, piano, guitars, harp, bass Yannos- guitars, vocals Stavros- cello, mandolin Nikos V.- drums, percussion, vocals Jimmy Star - trompone Former members and guest appearances: Dana- clarinet, vocals Christopher- drums, percussion Stefanos Hit - drums, percussion Kostas Vavousis - bass Serafeim Giannakopoulos - drums, percussion Johniethin- guitars, vocals, harmonica Elsa- cello Dennis- guitars Manos- harmonica Taken from their debut album '' Verba Time'' (2010). For any further information please visit: • www ...
海濤法師- 諸佛名號的功德
佛告舍利佛。 東方去此千萬億諸仲剎土。 有世界名曰天神。 其國有佛,名曰寶海如來至真等正覺明行成為善逝世間解無上士道法御天人師號曰眾祐度人無量。 若族姓子族姓女。 其有得聞寶海如來名號者。 執持諷誦歡喜信樂。 其人當得七覺意寶。 皆當得立不退轉地。 疾成無上正真之道。 卻六十劫生死之罪。 弘法地點:高雄煉油場
LOVE to LOVE[PV]「Love Letter ~告白の日~」(23人のラブレターver.)
着うたフル 配信中! wmg-jp.com 【LOVE to LOVE】 三浦あくり(あくたん)ameblo.jp 丸山慧子(まるしゃん)ameblo.jp 岩上愛美(aminee)blog.crooz.jp 船田まき(まあき)blog.crooz.jp 鏑木 美貴代(Mikiyo)blog.crooz.jp ◎参加モデル23人のブログURLをチェック!! ★2011年2月2日配信!LOVE to LOVEのニューシングル。 23人の読モがメッセージを叫ぶシーンを加えたスペシャル・バージョン。 ドラマシーンの主演にねもやよ(根本弥生)が出演。初のお部屋公開&愛犬ししまるとも共演です。 新メンバー、船田まき(まあき)、鏑木美貴代(Mikiyo)が新加入。 今作も、メンバーが、実体験をもとに作詞に挑戦したリアル泣き曲です。 片想いのナミダにさよなら... ラブラブから、すべての女の子に贈る告白応援ソング! ★LOVE to LOVE ニューシングル! 2月2日着うたフル配信「Love Letter 〜告白の日〜」 片思いのナミダにサヨナラ... もーすぐバレンタイン!ラブラブからすべての女のコに贈る、究極の告白おーえんソング降臨!! ★通常バージョンはコチラLOVE to LOVE[PV]「Love Letter ~告白の日~」(通常ver.) www.youtube.com ★らむたろblog.crooz.jp ☆れーちゃまblog.crooz.jp ★田中晴奈blog.crooz.jp ☆ゆうきゃんblog.crooz.jp ★みちゃんblog.crooz.jp ☆なつみんblog.crooz.jp ★らみみんblog.crooz.jp ☆横山香(りん)blog.crooz.jp ★ゆったそblog.crooz.jp ☆りえきゅんblog.crooz.jp ★ゆゆちんblog.crooz.jp ☆まなてぃblog.crooz.jp ★まいめろblog.crooz.jp ☆みかふぃす.blog.crooz.jp ★なみティameblo.jp ☆ごまちゃんblog.crooz.jp ★ぢゅりだぬきblog.crooz.jp ☆りさたろblog.crooz.jp ★あいみんblog.crooz.jp ☆五味ちゃんblog.crooz.jp ★まあみんblog.crooz.jp ☆りな ...