2 Person Acro Tricks -Partner Handstand Stag

2 Person Acro Tricks -Partner Handstand Stag

www.fitforafeast.com This is a move that we used in some of our acro dances that people have requested a tutorial for. You need one person to be the base - they do a seal stretch and stretch and arm up to hold the other person's ankle. The top has to be able to do handstands well and the handstand stag -where you hold one leg bent and the other straight. Make sure to practice on mats or a soft surface. Have fun! Thanks to Alexx & Paige for joining us to demonstrate. Katrina & Sloane
J'ai une meuf acro ki passe sn temp a snife et kiffe se faire une rail sur ma ### juste avn de me #####%

Xperia acro HD イカ少尉モデルのバッテリー残量:100% 充電状態:充電中じゃオラァ at 01:08:48

I Know, I'm An Artist. That's How I Draw Attention To Myself. Thanx Anyway. RT @L_ve_Acro: Dope Avi bruh iLL_Manors

You haven't lost me hey, we still one unit. ☺ ♥ RT @LoLLy_Roopler: I feel like I've lost my mpinch @L_ve_Acro whassup bro :)?

@Acro_mukki おやすみなさい!


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