The Used - Empty With You (Official)

The Used - Empty With You (Official)

© 2010 WMG The Used's "Empty With You" music video from their album "Artwork" directed by Nate Weaver. Visit for lyrics, tour dates, merch and more! Available on iTunes here!
I wish Akon put out music like he used to -___-

#BarsThatMadeMeRealiseIWasBroke "Ex-D-boy, used to park my Beamer now look at me, I can park in my own arena"

RT @hollybrocks: I used to work at an agency called Skive. It went bust. Makes sense, really.

Could of used at least 4 more hours of sleep

RT @JoleneSmexybutt: RT @Irrffaaann: I want everything like how it used to be. But I'm hoping for the impossible.

“@BDAHT: What are phrases that your parents used to use when you were growing up that DROVE YOU CRAZY?? <-- a hard head makes a soft ass!!!

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