Karen Narasaki
Affirmative action is still necessary because we still don't have equal opportunity in this country. Unfortunately, our schools do not have equal resources and many children, particularly these impoverished inner cities, dont have the same access to quality advanced placement programs, to extracurricular activities, to the many resources that other students have that they need to get when they want to apply for college. I, myself, am an affirmative action baby. I was admitted to Yale under an affirmative action program, which provided me with the opportunity to show my talent and to prove myself. And that's what affirmative action is all about. It's not a handout, it's an opportunity. When I was applying to college over 25 years ago, there weren't very minorities in the Ivy League schools. I attended a blue collar high school where less than ýý of the students went on to any kind of education including vocational college. But I was given the opportunity to show what I could do to prove the leadership that I knew that I had. Yale gave me an enormous opportunity to learn from people from all over the country and all over the world. I think my life would have been very different because it was in college where I was given the opportunity to see, both how people are the same in terms of their shared aspirations and dreams and challenges, but also how they're different because of the cultures that they bring and how each of these different backgrounds has a certain strength ...
京都会議 宮崎青年会議所 九州地区大会キャラバン出演
2012.1/20に行われました日本青年会議所 京都会議の九州地区ナイトでのキャラバンの出演です。宮崎青年会議所 太鼓同好会(JC太鼓)の有志による太鼓の演奏です。 曲目は「国体」「JC」の二曲です。
もりひろみの腹ペコリン! -栄養バランス抜群!手作りハンバーガー
ハンバーガーというと、ジャンクフードというイメージがありますが、パンとお肉と野菜が一度に食べられるため、実はとってもバランスのいい料理。特に OHANA CAFÉのハンバーガーは素材にもこだわっているため、安心です。パテは全て国産肉を使用しており、タルタルソースも自家製。さらにレタスは無農薬で根っこ付のものなので、鮮度は抜群です。