Waddle Doo At Chu - Game Grumps 3D Fan Animation
A tribute to everyone's favourite eyeball. *New Video!* www.youtube.com *UPDATE 2.0* So I noticed a lot of folk are interested in other 2D/3D game-related stuff I do. So here's a nice little short-list: * Upcoming XBLIG, "Elysia": www.youtube.com * Previously released simple "Pie Collect" game: marketplace.xbox.com * My online indie game development team's website, "Whisper" (check this out for sure!) www.whispergamestudios.com (and heh, no we don't have a studio yet, but we will have very soon!) * My own personal website: www.sarsion.net * A remake of Final Fantasy's "Blitzball" for online: blitzball.liamanderson.com dl.dropbox.com www.youtube.com www.susurration.net *END UPDATE 2.0* *UPDATE 1.0* Woah. I wasn't expecting so much of a reaction. To answer some quick questions: I definitely intend on doing more, not sure of the frequency though (which leads me onto my next point, which some people have asked about). I do make games! Not 3D as of yet, but I'm currently working on finishing my 2nd 2D Xbox Live Indie Game, "Elysia" (you can see a pretty old video of it on my channel page). It's kinda similar to Kirby now I think about it. This was just a fun little break project to do in between working on that, and I'm glad to see it got some smiles :3 *ENDUPDATE* Also, whilst I did the material and bone animations in 3DS Max, I don't own these models; they belong to Nintendo. I just downloaded them from "The Models Resource", hi-res'd their textures and animated them. All in ...
【KAITO】 Ogre and Maiden (鬼と娘)【Romaji Lyrics】
Sub Ita version: www.youtube.com mp3: www.mediafire.com Lyrics: by KumaJ9 Song: Ogre And Maiden - KAITO
紫 MURASAKI 1976/4/1 ジョージ紫(キーボード) 宮永英一(ドラム、ボーカル) 城間正男(メインボーカル) 城間俊雄(ベース) 下地行男(ギター) 比嘉清正(リードギター
【ズバリ!文化批評】辻井喬「わたつみ三部作」と八月[桜 H21/8/1]