旅の指さし会話帳DS タイ
林家たい平落語集~たい平よくできました その2~
アジア語楽紀行 旅するタイ語 [DVD]
Berlitz: Thai Phrase Book & CD (Berlitz Phrase Book & CD)
Phrasebooks written in Japanese, my first language, are very often with English translations as well as those in the target language, e.g. Thai even though the phrasebook is a Japanese-Thai one. It's not at all necessary for me to be informed of how to say things in English, and I've been really annoyed. So this time I decided to use an English-Thai phrasebook, which simply includes what the readers are expected to say and its Thai translation. However, the pronunciation symbols are totally for Americans, not written in a more internationally recognised manner. I found it quite hard to read the Thai translations aloud. But this was far better than the Japanese-Thai phrasebooks WITH ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS. It's just a terribly stupid idea to expect the English translations to help Japanese readers communicate with Thai speakers.